River Town Portraits
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"River Town Portraits"
Soft Cover 96 pages
Publisher: Haybarn Artists Edition
ISBN: 9680692969090
Dimensions; 12x12 inches
River Town Portraits is a project 50 years in the making. Photographer Bruce Katsiff and his wife Jo moved to Lumberville, PA, in 1968. Fresh from graduate school, Katsiff was eager to experiment with large format photography in the historic, 163-person town on the Delaware River.
Katsiff spent the next decade photographing his friends and neighbors with a 4-by-5 view camera, taking over 300 negatives. The result is a series of intimate portraits of the small community, from 7th-generation Lumbervillians to artist newcomers. Katsiff’s thoughtful compositions have a natural ease. Each subject is pictured in a meaningful context: the town matriarch in her floral parlor, a gardener with his produce, children on the porch of the general store. Together, the photographs form an evocative depiction of 1970s Lumberville, a rumination on place and belonging.
Along with 74 photographs, the volume includes a poignant written snapshot of the town in 1972 written by Joane Katsiff. A piece by Jeffery L. Marshall describes the history of the town, and an essay by Liz. K. Sheehan contextualizes the work within Katsiff’s career. River Town Portraits is published with the support of Lois and Julian Brodsky in partnership with Marguerite and Gerry Lenfest.